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3rd International Symposium on “Single Photon based Quantum Technologies”


Join our symposium by giving a talk, presenting a poster, or without any presentation. We especially encourage young scientists to present their work with an oral presentation. A special prize will be awarded for the “Best Student Talk”.

Aim and purpose

Impressions from the poster session at the 2nd Quantum Symposium

About a century ago, the theory of quantum mechanics was born. By virtue of its extraordinary explanatory power this theory has not only dramatically changed to the way we see the world, but also led to a first quantum revolution that has brought us groundbreaking new technologies such as the transistor, solid-state lighting, lasers, and GPS.

Today, we are paving the way for a second revolution. With quantum theory now fully established, we are beginning to look at the world in a fundamentally new way: objects can be in different states at the same time ("superposition") and can be deeply connected without any direct physical interaction ("entanglement"). By way of breathtaking advances in creating and manipulating dedicated entangled and/or superimposed quantum states, new technologies will emerge that promise to change our society in the next 5-20 years through revolutionary methods in imaging, sensing, communication, simulation and computation. However, in many of the related research fields, we are still at the beginning of transferring theory into technology.

The purpose of this symposium is therefore to provide an interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of experience and information as well as sharing recent findings in the field of single photon based quantum technologies. The symposium will cover a rather broad range of topics, since “single photons” are one important basis for many quantum technologies, such as single-photon detectors and sources, metrology and sensing, correlations and entanglement, communication and QKD, information processing, or integrated photonic quantum circuits.

Student award

As nurturing young scientists is important to PicoQuant, we host a competition for the “Best Student Talk” with an award worth 750 EUR. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to submit their contributions until January 31, 2020.

Important dates

  • Registration is now open
  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 31, 2020
  • Deadline for early bird registration: January 31, 2020
  • Final deadline for symposium registration: April 25, 2020
  • Notification on acceptance of abstracts: early March 2020
  • Program available: mid March 2020


Symposium coordinator: Lukas Hager

Tel: +49-30-1208820-87

Fax: +49-30-1208820-90


Please note: schedule and content of this event is subject to change without notice.

Original link
